About (DDManager)

Hello, My name is Dong-Woo Lim(DDManager), Bachelor of Computer Software Engineering at Soonchunhyang University. (Mar. 2018 ~ Feb. 2022)

I became interested in programming when I was in elementary school, and that interest developed me.
In particular, starting with Visual Basic 6.0, which my homeroom teacher first taught me when I was in the 4th grade of elementary school, I was exposed to several programming languages, such as CC++, and Java.

DDManager’s interests

One of my interests is making Android apps.

I first encountered a smartphone when I was in middle school.
At that time, I was browsing the Internet to change font settings and came across a file format called APK. I started programming Android apps to learn how to create APK files.

In the past, we used Eclipse with ADT(Android Development Tool) and Java, but due to the end of support, we are now using Android Studio with Kotlin.

Of course, I also want to make an iOS app, but I had to put it on hold due to having never encountered iOS, it is impossible on Windows, an expensive registration fee and the market share of Android.

Also, I would like to create not only Android but also Windows applications.

I was introduced to the C# language while taking Unity courses in my 3rd year of university. The C# language was also used for GUI programming of operating system tasks.
This also led to my interest in creating Windows applications.

Another interest is learning algorithms.

In relation to this, I took a data structure course in my 2nd year of university.
Although it was a relatively difficult subject, I studied hard because it was my field of interest.
Of course, there were some parts that were difficult for me, such as the graph.
As a result, I received an award in the programming category of the 2021 school S/W competition.
I took on the ‘Algorithm Monday Challenge’ hosted by Goorm in 2022, and although I didn’t get a perfect score, it was a great experience for me.

And sometimes I participate in AtCoder.
Most of the time, it started on weekend evenings, so there was less pressure.
Although the rating is low, we are currently targeting 400 or higher.
Lately, I haven’t been able to participate often due to lack of time.


I also thought that if I had the chance, I would like to become certified as a Google AAD (Associate Android Developer).
I also want to improve my coding skills by studying algorithms diligently.
I want to achieve good results by studying hard in the future and living with the mindset that I will never lose my original intention.

There may be an error in information because I am not familiar with English. I ask for your understanding.